
Our patients will tell you better than us

Our patiens say…

The best guarantee of success of our clinic is the satisfied patients, because they talk about us to other people.

Carmen Carrera Vera

Carmen Carrera Vera

Intensive treatment with magical results

Three weeks ahead of my wedding I woke up with a muscle spasm in my upper back that did not alow me to move my neck. Everytime I treated it with physiotherapy, acupuncture or painkillers it went away for a time but it always came back. This time the pain was unbareable and I couldn´t even reach my nose with my hand.
I found Alberto and he recomended an intensive treatment of 5 adjustments before my wedding and the result was almost like magic. Not only I could enjoy a painfree wedding but that pain never came back.
Alejandro Soler

Alejandro Soler

Pain disapeared after the second adjustment

A few years ago I started noticing some chest pain that I was not sure they came from my heart due to my Young age. Nevertheles, I got checked by my GP and all tests came clear. I talked about it with Dr Alberto and he told me that the pain could come radiated from the mid back área. After my first adjustment I could feel that the pain shifted. It was now over the other side of the chest. After the second adjustment the pain started fading away. Since that and thanks to his advice, I pay more attention to my posture as well as I get checked every 2 to 3 months by him to keep my self in good alignment.
Diego Alberca

Diego Alberca

I felt great improvement from day one

I first attented Dr Alberto´s office on the 6th of July 2016 with a diagnosed L5-S1 disc herniation and a sciatic pain that went all the way into my right foot. Both my low back and leg hurt a lot. I had been unable to work since October 2015 and I was taking great doses of painkillers. Mi wife recomended my to go to Alberto Molina´s Chiropractic clinic and from day one I felt improvement. I still go there, with much less frequency, as at the beginning I needed to sessions per week and now I go every few weeks or couple of months. My objective right now is to maintain my spine´s stability and avoid further problems in the future. After 3 months of Chiropractic adjustments I feel great again and back to work.
Puri Ruiz Escribano

Puri Ruiz Escribano

After only 5 sessions, my back is better than ever

I have been suffering a lumbar impingement for over two decades. Initially, my GP told me that there was little to be done about it but taking painkillers one I felt very bad. That was my normal life till in August 2016 I had the worse low back pain episode in my life. I couldn´t move and pain was very intese. Until then, the back pain allowed me to do more or less normal life but not this time. I visited an A&E doctor who was worried about the inflamation in my back and refered me to the Orthopaedic surgeon. That appointment was 10 days later and painkillers were doing nothing for me so I visited Alberto. After the first adjustment I left his office walking almost normally. When I saw the Orthopaedic adjustment, after two more adjustments, he could notice no inflamation or injury in my back and the MRI did not show any major injuries either. Now after another 5 sessions, I can say thay my spine feels better tan ever and this has been an over 20 years old problema for me.
Carolina del Corral

Carolina del Corral

Alberto Molina has changed my life

I have to say that Alberto Molina has changed my life. I had a road traffic accident in 2006. It was a strong frontal accident and since then I started feeling pain all over the right side of my body, specially from my hip to my foot. I saw Alberto for the first time in May 2015.
I had been in continuous pain for 9 years and although MRI showed no major injuries, physiotherapy was not able to help me. I could not stand for almost any time and the pain in my right leg never went away. One day, my mother insiste don me visiting a Chiropractor but I was very sceptic with that type of care. However, right from the beginning I was feeling improvement that was increasing with every adjustment. At the beginning I visited Alberto very fequently but now I only go for maintenance care.
As I said at the beginning, It has changed my life. Now I can stand for long time, I can sit in a normal chair and very rarely I feel pain. In three months I felt perfect. On top of being a great profesional, he is charming and transmits lots of confidence. I have improved a lot.
Lalu Fernández

Lalu Fernández

It all has improved a great deal

I was diagnosed with scoliosis when I was 18. I had low back pain due to a rotated vertebra that was causing a deviation im my spine. I lived thrugh the low back pain episodes with anti-inflamatory drugs and muscle relaxants. During my student time I could carry on OK but as I started to work, the painful episodes become worse due to bad postures and stress. Before I met Alberto, I was treated using physiotherapy, massages and painkillers but all of these were short term solutions. As soon as I had less rest or more stress, the pain came back stronger.
Since I visit Alberto I take no medication. It all has improved a great deal. Initially I was adjusted at least weekly but now I go every two or three months. I have much less back pain despite beeing a mother and pregnancy puts lots of stress in the spine. Feeling so well makes you improve in so many ways in my life (the cronic pain made me feel a continuos feeling of tiredness and frustration). By the way, since I was 25, I was constipated at times and I used laxatives but since I am getting adjusted this problema has improved a lot as well due to the connection between my lumbar spine and large intestine function.
Vanesa Serrano

Vanesa Serrano

I have recovered the quality of life that I had lost

My problem was low back and sciatic pain episodes. At times I suffered a bad episode everymonth and ocasinoally they were so intense that doctors consiedered leaving me in hospital for a few days. I could not use high heles, my neck was very stiff and I could not walk straight. My back was starting to twist. One day, one of my clients told me how his son recovered from a sports injury thanks to a Chiropractor; Alberto Molina. I started visiting him and in the second session, the pain improved. After a series of initial xrays, he discovered 3 vertebral impingements (only one was previously diagnosed). Since I met him, I visit him monthly since meeting Alberto meant recovering the quality of life that I had lost.
María José Gómez López

María José Gómez López

It has solved my foot sprain problem

My first appointment with Alberto Molina was due to a sprained ankle that cronically became injured. It was so weak that I had to wear an orthotic support as it continuously was being twisted. I must say that since I get adjusted that problema has gone away.
I usually go every month or two months because my quality of life is much better if I do so. I suffer from Reumathic Arthritis and DJD in some joints as well as a couple of herniated discs that made me suffer pains day in and day out. Everytime I have a problema I visit him as well as most of my family since he is a good profesional and loves he does.
Raúl Zambrana

Raúl Zambrana

I keep fit both in training and in the competition

Since I first saw Alberto Molina mi sensations have improved a lot. I feel my body more relaxed and in alignment. An injury in my left shoulder that has been present for the last months, diagnosed as tendinitis, has improved a lot with his adjustments.
Being honest chiropractic has been a great Discovery for my and nowadays I get adjusted regularly to keep my shape both in training and in competition.
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