Do you know chiropractic?

Health area that take care of musculoskeletal system

What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is a helthcare profession based apon the vertebral adjustment. The chiropractor identifies the pressence of vertebrae that are not well aligned with the ones above or below them creating a compromise over the nerves that travel along them. Using a specific and well controlled forcé in the correct direction and over the vertebra that is out of alignment, the chiropractor free it so that the organism can start healing and stabilising it in the correct place.

This is a safe and innocuous process. Chiropractic corrects subluxacions that not only compromiso our nervous system but our overall health. Having a healthy and equilibrated vertebral column affects our quality of life and health issues that do not seem initially associated with it. Chiropractic is considered as safe and effective by the WHO (World Health Organisation) existing extensive literatura supporting its use in the treatment of chronic low back pain, sciatica or neck pain. In addition, there is evidence of its effectiveness in the management of migraines, dizzyness, vertebral disc herniations or infant colic syndrome.

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Who is chiropractic recommended for?

Chiropractic for children

The vertebral column can suffer from early life. Starting with a traumatic birth, falls when learning to walk, bad postures at school, stress at school or sport injuries that can affect our

Checking our kids spines should be consiedered as important as any other medical routine at this stage of life.

Chiropractic for athletes.
People that practice sport regularly and at a high intensity is exposed to injuries that can compromiso their performance and even their ability to practice it at all. That is why in USA,
Australia and most European countries, elite sports people use chiropractic care regularly.

Many sport injuries end up creating irregular kinematic patterns resulting in subluxations. Correcting those is basic element to improve athletic performance.

Chiropractic during pregnancy
During pregancy, the body experiments high physical stress and many changes, specially structural and hormonal. The increase body weight, ligamentous changes, added to metabolic challenges for the body make chiropractic of great help during this time. This not only helps with typical “pregancy pains” but also decreases the chances of complications during delivery due to excessive physical stress of the mother.

Chiropractic for seniors

During our late stage of life, our body becomes more fragile and chiropractic becomes a safe tool to improve quality of life. The risk of falls due to cervicogenic dizzyness, morning stiffness, decreased general vitality or stamina as well as articular pains are the more frequent problems we see in our senior patients. The intensity of the treatment is addapted so safety and effectiveness are always kept in mind.
Chiropractic and the modern work place.
Independently of what type of job we have, beeing able to perform at it is very important for our productivity. Spending many hours in front of the computer, bad postures or daily physical demands in heavy dutty Jobs end up creating vertebral subluxations that won´t allow us to work properly. Chiropractic care not only takes care of such problems but also prevents further deterioration and improves our overall energy while working.

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